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Thursday, 16 January 2025



Pak mcqs,PAK MCQs,PPSC past papers,PPSC assistant past papers,PSC MCQs,PPSC exam preparation,Past papers pdf,PSC test papers,PSC study materia,PPSC assistant MCQs,PSCc,PPSC ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (ACCOUNTS) / LECTURER PSYCHOLOGY  (BS-17) Past Papers 2024,

Benazir Bhutto was assassinated in:

 بے نظیر بھٹو کو کب شہید کیا گیا؟

(A) 2004
(B) 2005
(C) 2006
(D) 2007

The Answer Is: (D) 2007
Explanation: Benazir Bhutto was assassinated on December 27, 2007, during a political rally in Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

Identify the Past Perfect Sentence:

 ماضی کامل کا جملہ پہچانیں۔

(A) She has laughed.
(B) She had laughed.
(C) She has laughing.
(D) None of these

The Answer Is: (B) She had laughed.
Explanation: The past perfect tense describes an action completed before another action in the past.

Which kind of system of government was introduced by the 1962 Constitution?

 1962 کے آئین کے تحت کون سا طرز حکومت متعارف کروایا گیا؟

(A) Unicameral
(B) Bicameral

The Answer Is: (A) Unicameral
Explanation: The 1962 Constitution of Pakistan introduced a unicameral legislature system, concentrating power in a single legislative chamber.

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Which kind of system of government was introduced by the 1962 Constitution?

 1962 کے آئین کے تحت کون سا طرز حکومت متعارف کروایا گیا؟

(A) Unicameral
(B) Bicameral
(C) Confederate
(D) None of these

The Answer Is: (A) Unicameral
Explanation: The 1962 Constitution introduced a unicameral system, centralizing legislative authority in one house.

Tipu Sultan had requested help in driving the British away from India from whom?

 ٹیپو سلطان نے ہندوستان سے انگریزوں کو نکالنے کے لیے کس سے مدد کی درخواست کی؟

(A) Rani of Jhansi
(B) Napoleon
(C) Jai Singh
(D) Hitler

The Answer Is: (B) Napoleon
Explanation: Tipu Sultan sought assistance from Napoleon Bonaparte during his resistance against British colonial forces in India.

Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the word Insipid:

 Insipid کا سب سے مناسب متضاد لفظ منتخب کریں۔

(A) Explicit
(B) Tasty
(C) Immense
(D) Opaque

The Answer Is: (B) Tasty
Explanation: Insipid means dull or lacking flavor, and its opposite is Tasty, which implies richness in flavor.

Little Boy type of bomb, which was dropped on which Japanese city?

 "لٹل بوائے" قسم کا بم کس جاپانی شہر پر گرایا گیا؟

(A) Hiroshima
(B) Nagasaki
(C) Osaka
(D) Nagoya

The Answer Is: (A) Hiroshima
Explanation: The "Little Boy" bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, during World War II.

Which computational problem deals with the arrangement and sequence of elements in order?

 کون سا کمپیوٹیشنل مسئلہ عناصر کی ترتیب اور تسلسل کے ساتھ متعلق ہے؟

(A) Searching
(B) Sorting
(C) Indexing
(D) None of these

The Answer Is: (B) Sorting
Explanation: Sorting is the process of arranging data in a specific order, such as ascending or descending.

Which type of inheritance is not supported by Java?

 جاوا میں کون سی وراثت کی قسم کی حمایت نہیں کی جاتی؟

(A) Single inheritance
(B) Multiple inheritance
(C) Multilevel inheritance
(D) None of these

The Answer Is: (B) Multiple inheritance
Explanation: Java does not support multiple inheritance to avoid ambiguity caused by the diamond problem.

In C and C++ programming languages, which symbol is used to access the value stored at a memory address?

 C اور C++ پروگرامنگ زبانوں میں، میموری ایڈریس پر موجود ویلیو تک رسائی کے لیے کون سا علامت استعمال ہوتا ہے؟

(A) @
(B) #
(C) %
(D) *

The Answer Is: (D) *
Explanation: In C and C++, the asterisk (*) is used as the dereference operator to access the value at a pointer's address.

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